Era qualche tempo che non mi giungeva qualche mail ambigua e cominciavo decisamente a sentirne la mancanza.
Ciò che vi propongo oggi sono due mail, tutte e due rigorosamente false, apparentemente provenienti dalla Better Business Bureau, un'organizzazione che si occupa di creare relazioni di mercato solide e fidate fra aziende in giro per il mondo.
1) Mail, arrivata da
Object: bbb processing
Attn: Owner/Manager
The Better Business Bureau has received the above-referenced complaint from one of your customers on the subject of their business relations with you.
The details of the consumer's concern are presented in attached file.
Please give attention to this case and inform us about your position.
Please click here to reply this complaint.
We look forward to your prompt attention to this matter.
Yours faithfully,
Paula Tap
Better Business Bureau
2) mail arrivata da
Object: Report on your customerer complaint
Good afternoon,
Here with the Better Business Bureau informs you that we have been filed a complaint (ID 38423541) from one of your customers in regard to their dealership with you.
Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to obtain the details on this matter and inform us about your position as soon as possible.
We hope to hear from you very soon.
Carlos Baxter
Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau
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